SECF offers two distinct Active Equity strategies designed to exploit the best of both quantitative and traditional fundamental approaches, while seeking to minimize any weaknesses of either stand-alone approach.
These strategies were built on years of experience and continuous innovative research, including non-ESG and ESG alpha factors that have been integrated when found to add value.
Innovative investment insights leveraging cutting-edge technologies and Impactful research outcomes driven by integrated team structure
SECF investment strategies are based upon these guiding principles.Capital markets are not perfectly efficient and, therefore, may present attractive investment opportunities for disciplined investors
Long-term track record utilizing Contextual Alpha Model. Integration of proprietary ESG Alpha Factors. Risk Analytics
A suite of quantitative, core, bottom-up, multi-factor Active Equity strategies that leverage a proprietary modeling approach called “Contextual” Alpha Modeling. The strategy is offered across Developed and Emerging Markets, in both large and small cap segments, with capabilities in long-only and market-neutral style implementations.
An investment approach driven by fundamental insights and implemented through a rigorous quantitative process that differentiates itself by how it leverages unique sets of data to build portfolios.